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In this soul wrenching story of survival, recovery, and transformation, Tameka exposes the deep, dark, and devastating effects of her experiences with rape, divorce, and abandonment. From Trauma to Triumph is a must read that brings healing, hope, and inspiration to those who have experienced relational trauma. Tameka shares her journey to healing and offers spiritual principles and practical strategies to help guide you on your road to recovery. After reading this book, you will gain courage to face your personal trauma, heal from it, and live a life of peace, freedom, and triumph!
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Tameka Shelone is an ordained minister, certified life coach, trained counselor, published author, and professional speaker who gracefully balances her corporate career, independent ministry, and personal business.
As a certified trauma support specialist and mental health advocate, Tameka uses her voice to bring awareness to mental health and help break the stigma in the Black community. She provides a safe space for women to begin their healing journey through her individual and group coaching programs.
Tameka is the Founder and CEO of Tameka Shelone Ministries & Enterprises, LLC. She is a native Washingtonian, currently residing in Maryland.

Just because you didn’t talk about it, doesn’t mean you’ve healed from it.